Made in His Image



“Millions of people are the victims of Low Self Esteem (LSE). Unfortunately Low Self Esteem (LSE) is no respecter of persons! LSE will victimize anyone willing to entertain it. The results are broken dreams, unfulfilled hopes and lives tattered, tormented and torn by abuse, depression, guilt, unforgiveness, inferiority complexes, self-hatred and perfectionism.
As children of God and joint heirs with Christ, we are entitled to be healed, delivered and set free from our infirmities (our sicknesses and weaknesses) and iniquities (our sins). It comes with the establishment of a intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.
In an honest and candid way, Made in His Image, Overcoming Low Self Esteem by
Discovering the Real You, written by Kenneth D. Phelps, is a frank dialog into the depths of Low Self Esteem and how to overcome it, by the power of God.”

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